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Office of the Comptroller

The main objective of the Office of the Comptroller of the Costa Rican Tourism Board is to efficiently and effectively foster continuous improvement in the services that the Board provides, with the aim of meeting the legitimate requests of our uses in a way that is appropriate, timely and equitable.

The Office is an adjunct unit of the Office of the Executive President and is part of the National System of Comptrollers, coordinated by the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy as provided in Law no. 9158.

At the Office of the Comptroller, we also address issues related to Law no. 8220 and its Regulation with respect to the Office of Citizen Information. That is why it is our pleasure to serve all users, both Costa Rican nationals and visitors, and to provide information and orientation regarding the institution, especially in matters related to the procedures and services we are bound to provide due to legal, regulatory and administrative requirements.

Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities

Our responsibilities also include assisting with and processing all complaints, reports, discrepancies and recommendations that you, as a user of our services, deem to be appropriate and necessary to bring to our attention. To this end, we have made tickets available that you will find on this website, which you can use to provide us with the information we need to process it accordingly.

We would like to use this space to list the rights and responsibilities that you have as a user.

Rights of users:

  • To be assisted in a respectful, friendly and effective manner by ICT staff who are appropriately identified with an ID card that accredits them as staff members.
  • To request information about the progress of the procedure or service requested.
  • To exercise the right to file a petition with the ICT’s Office of the Comptroller to file your complaints or reports regarding the quality of services or the treatment received, and for your confidentiality to be respected.

Responsibilities of users:

  • To engage respectfully with ICT staff.
  • To fulfill the requirements needed for your procedure in an accurate and timely manner.
  • To report any inappropriate action or poor service received from ICT employees to the Office of the Comptroller.

At the Office of the Comptroller, it is our pleasure to serve you. You can send your opinions to us by e-mail at the following address:

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