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Tourism Development

The main objective of the Tourism Development Department is to promote programs that help promote higher levels of quality and competitiveness, the creation of local capacity and sustainable tourism development in the country’s different planning units. To this end, it creates work processes that are aimed at communicating and implementing tourism plans, developing local capacity with municipalities and chambers of tourism, training and strengthening MSMEs in the tourism sector and furthering the development of new products (rural, wellness, social, nautical and convention tourism).

A strategy entitled “Strengthening Destination Competitiveness” has been created to coordinate these programs. The strategy is directed towards using the cultural wealth and diversity of different regions of the country to promote tourism products (Local Cuisine and Crafts with Identity) among various local groups and actors. The goal is to offer tourists a holistic experience that brings together natural and cultural attractions, allowing for the development of MSMEs, community involvement in the tourism industry, greater local development and better quality of life for Costa Ricans involved in the programs.

The strategy is being developed through the implementation of the following programs: Rural Tourism and Rural Community Tourism, Traditional Costa Rican Cuisine, Crafts with Identity, MSMEs and the Training Program. These seek to strengthen destinations that are ever more competitive, involve local actors in their management and ensure that ever more people and business leaders benefit from the tourism industry.

Esquema: Proyectos Pilotos

Esquema Desarrollo Turístico

The programs and actions carried out by the Tourism Development Department to achieve the stated objectives are:

I. Rural Tourism and Rural Community Tourism Program:

This program is geared towards supporting businesses in rural tourism and rural community tourism with a view to offering a quality alternative for local and international tourists to enjoy an authentic Costa Rican experience. In addition, it aims to include business leaders and communities into the tourism industry in a more competitive manner, promoting community self-management and intelligent natural resource use and conservation. This will lead to benefits for the country’s rural communities, a diversification of their income sources and an improvement in the quality of life of those living in different parts of the country.

Rural community tourism experiences are created in cooperatives or community associations that have private ecological reserves, farms or areas of interest, or which are located close to areas of environmental and cultural interest. Communities offer innovative experiences that combine tourism services such as lodging, excursions and crafts, with the impressive natural landscapes and the living culture of their locale (rural, indigenous or Afro-Caribbean). This allows visitors to discover new cultures and explore heavenly locales while spending time with communities that are involved in conserving natural resources and providing them with benefits. Visitors also have fun and find healthy and creative relaxation.

Support for businesses is provided through various action areas:

1. Catalogs Promoting Rural Tourism and Rural Community Tourism:

This development catalog in English and Spanish deals with the formal offer for lodging establishments (inns), culinary businesses (eateries), productive farms (thematic activities) and tour operators (local agencies).

If you wish to register in the program, please fill out the following form.