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Did you know Costa Rica’s only guided strawberry tour is in Poasito de Alajuela?


  • The example of Eliecer Víquez, a guide, farmer, entrepreneur and tourism specialist, is a demonstration of the versatility of the over 2,700 ICT-certified guides this International Tourist Guide Day, showing how their knowledge can offer unique experiences for tourists.

February 20. Costa Rica’s first guided tour of a strawberry farm is now available in Poasito de Alajuela, with a traditional ox cart enhancing the experience.

The Costa Rica Strawberry Tour is a first in rural tourism, showing every step in strawberry processing while preserving oral traditions like the legend of the “cart without an ox”.

The purpose of this activity is to make the most of the local guide’s extensive knowledge and teach visitors about strawberries, offering them the flavors of one of the region’s most iconic fruits.

According Eliécer Víquez, an ICT certified tourist guide, farmer, tourism specialist and owner and creator of the Strawberry Tour, the tour offers a complete experience for domestic and international tourists. “Our goal is for visitors to learn more about strawberries,” says Víquez. “Their organic cultivation, consumption, health benefits, everything from a tourist’s point of view. We provide them with information about the fruit’s history, its nature, geography and planting, while also offering a sample of the sweetness of the region’s strawberries and refreshing smoothies made with the fruit.”

The multifaceted tour guide emphasized that they use a “family capsule” system during the tour, coordinating reservations of small family groups and avoiding contact between groups. In addition, the spaces are regularly disinfected and there are several hand washing stations and hand sanitizer dispensers.

The family groups are the only ones who get into the ox-cart on the traditional tour through the surrounding area. The small journey offers a peek back in time into Costa Rican traditions and offers a chance to hear about local legends like the cart without an ox.

“As we celebrate the International Tourist Guide Day on February 21, we invite all Costa Ricans to enhance their tourist experience by hiring a certified tourist guide,” says Alberto López, General Manager of the ICT. “The strawberry tour, created by the guide Eliecer Víquez, is a clear example of the efforts of 2,700 ICT-certified guides paying off and providing domestic tourists and those who visit from abroad with unforgettable memories and deeper enjoyment of the wonders that our country offers.”

The ICT recommends the support and information provided by a certified guide to enhance the experience of seeing the country as a tourist. With their knowledge and professionalism, these guides offer an unforgettable glance into the country’s essence. In addition, the ICT recommends contacting a tourism company or tour operator with a Tourism Declaration to ensure a reliable, high-quality service.

For more information about the Strawberry Tour, call 8899-7425 or visit the Facebook profile: Address: 150 meters north of San José Veterinary Hospital, in front of Artes en Madera, Poasito, Sabanilla de Alajuela.