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Costa Rica leads among international destinations in travel outlook


  • Gradual and responsible reopening to tourism are the main reasons to choose our country.
  • Vaccinated individuals, couples, families and digital nomads are the main profile of travelers who choose Costa Rica as their preferred destination.
  • Tourists show a preference for nature and open spaces.

April 20, 2021 According to 150 tourism professionals surveyed in Spain, Costa Rica is one of the top 5 global destinations with the best travel outlook this summer, occupying the top spot in the Americas.

This is the main finding from the Spring 2019/Covid-19 issue of the 1st Study on Perceptions of Safe Destinations, published by The Blueroom Project in Spain.

Costa Rica ranked fourth in the global ranking of international destinations, with a score of 71%, as well as taking the top spot for travel destinations in the Americas.

One of the main findings of the survey, carried out on March 15-30, 2021, was that the destinations that have opened to tourism while also demonstrating competent management of the pandemic will be the most likely to receive tourists in the upcoming summer season.

“One of the commitments and challenges that the ICT has undertaken in the current environment is to maintain a solid presence of the Essential Costa Rica brand in our priority tourist-sending markets (the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands). This study shows that we have achieved our goal,” said Gustavo J. Segura, the Minister of Tourism.

Segura noted the importance of continuing to adhere to public health protocols in order to safeguard the ongoing reactivation of the tourism industry.

Results of the study 

According to the survey, the factors that influenced the selection of destinations were COVID-19 safety (86%) and flexible offers (64%).

Nature and open spaces were another important factor behind choosing a destination (63% of survey respondents), while connectivity and accessibility was mentioned by 27% of the experts. The tourism professionals surveyed also mentioned image and reputation as an important factor (21%) as well as sustainability (7%).

According to Segura, the country’s promotional efforts are focused on the strengths of the destination, including the ability to visit year-round, the variety of outdoor activities without crowds, and the sustainable and secure approach that complies with the strict biosafety protocols implemented by all tourism subsectors.

“We have continued to follow these strategies to demonstrate that our country is a sanctuary of sustainability, a destination that allows visitors to experience life’s essential values,” said Segura.


1.       Maldives 81.38%
2.       United Arab Emirates 80.69%
3.       Seychelles 74.78%
4.       Costa Rica 71.03%
5.       Japan 66.90%
6.       Mauritius 66.21%
7.       Greece 62.76%
8.       Qatar 56.55%
9.       Portugal 56.55%
10.   Dominican Republic 53.10%