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Tax Return

With the promulgation of Law No. 1917 from July 29, 1955, the Costa Rica Tourism Board is created to increase tourism in the country. This Law established in Section 46, section a), a five percent tax on the value of the tickets sold in Costa Rica for any kind of international travel.

By 2009, Law No. 8694 was created to strengthen the Tourism Industry, which established in Section 2 a tax of fifteen dollars for entrance by air to national territory, for those who acquired their ticket abroad, and added section b) to Law 1917, which created the five percent tax on the value of tickets with Costa Rica as the country of origin, for any kind of international travel.

In its effort to simplify and improve the services for formal tributary duties, ICT has implemented the Tax Declaration System (ICT-DECLARA) which:

  1. Creates and generates electronically the sworn tax declarations of 15$, 5% section a), and 5% section b).
  2. Generates report files on the sworn tax declaration.
  3. Validates the information through an internal verification process.

To use this service the following is required:

  1. Be subscribed as a contributor before ICT (consult conditions)* REQUISITOS PARA INSCRIPCIÓN
  2. Have a user name and password provided by ICT through the Revenue Department*
Presente su declaración aquí

*For information and questions please call telephone number 2299--5892 or write to the following e-mails:

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Para poder acceder a los servicios de ICT-DECLARA, se requiere estar inscrito ante el ICT como CONTRIBUYENTE, a continuación se detalla los requisitos:

Requisitos para inscribir una Agencia de Viajes:

  • 1) Autorización del IATA
  • 2) Copia de Personería Jurídica (al día)
  • 3) Copia de cédula Representante Legal
  • 4) Copia de patente municipal

Requisitos para inscribir una Línea Aérea:

  • 1) Permiso de Aviación Civil.
  • 2) Acreditación de representación legal en Costa Rica (cuando no tienen oficina propia en el país)
  • 3) Copia de Personería jurídica (al día)
  • 4) Copia de cédula Representante Legal
  • 5) Copia de patente municipal

Requisitos para inscribir empresas de Transportes Terrestres:

  • 1) Permiso del Consejo de Transportes
  • 2) Acreditación de representación legal en Costa Rica (cuando no tienen oficina propia en el país)
  • 3) Copia de Personería Jurídica (al día)
  • 4) Copia de cédula Representante Legal
  • 5) Copia patente municipal

Requisitos para inscribir empresas Navieras:

  • 1) Permiso de transporte marítimo del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT)
  • 2) Copia de Personería Jurídica (a día)
  • 3) Copia de cédula del Representante Legal
  • 4) Acreditación de representación legal en Costa Rica (Cuando no tienen oficina propia en el país)
  • 5) Copia de patente municipal
document Descargue aquí el formulario. (103 KB)